Llama Poetry

(See details for Marguerite's Llama Poetry Contest below!!)


A Llama Poem By:  Marguerite

If I were a llama I would hide in a box,                                                                          I would jump out like an ox and run like a fox.

Say I was in front of a crowd;                                                                                 they would all laugh real loud and be very proud.

I'd win lots of good prizes, I'd go out in many diguises;                                            the whole crowd would shout, they wouldn't give one pout.

They's shout out with glee, they'd all yell "Yippee!"                                             They'd all look at me, and could shout to the sea.

Then I'd be done, of course I had won.                                                               Except for one girl who was wearing a pearl.

She had done the best act.                                                                                       She had won all the prizes and all my disguises.

I was mad, I was sad.  I was not really glad;                                                             but at least I tried and trying is not bad.

Marguerite's Llama Poetry Contest

If you would like to enter a poem in my Llama Poetry Contest, please give it to me or send it to marguerite@club-llama.com.

The deadline is January 15th.  On January 16th, I will choose a winner, and post the winner and the winning poem on Club-Llama.

GOOD LUCK!! - Marguerite

And the results are in.......please see below!!!!

Contest Results: Thanks, everyone, for your poems, and congratulations to the winners.  They were all really, really good! - Marguerite 

 First Place...........Cassie.

Llama                                                                                                                         By: Cassie    

Little llama, grazing in the field,                                                                                      car passengers and drivers stop their car and yield,                                                             to see that little llama run toward the car door,                                                               and it started to dance!!!  The people wanted more.

The car driver man, his name was Big Stan,                                                                    and took the poor llama away.                                                                                    That poor little llama, was taken away from its mama,                                                      and dances in the carnival still to this very day.

So please, kind person!  Free this poor llama!                                                                    So it can go home and be with its mama!                                                                   Here's how it'll happen, here's the plan,                                                                           so we can get revenge on Big Stan -

We'll wait until the llama doesn't dance,                                                                        now listen up - this is our only chance!                                                                         We'll snag 'im up and take 'im home,                                                                         where he can play freely and eat and roam,                                                                      so please, help me free this llama,                                                                                   so that poor poor dancing creature                                                                                can go back to his mama!


Second Place.....Claire.

A Spring Day                                                                                                            By: Claire

A spring day.                                                                                                            Lying in the hay                                                                                                          Such a gorgeous day.

I am a llama, lying in the hay.                                                                                    Writing a story, "oh, no!", I forgot a comma!

Suddenly, something came and took me away.                                                             Now, I am a big blob of hay, like on that spring day.


Third Place........Kay.

A Llama Haiku                                                                                                           By: Kay

There once was a llama named Bob                                                                          Whose hair sat on his head like a blob.                                                                            He always would spit                                                                                                   And make my teeth grit                                                                                           When it fell on my shoe in a glob.